Yesterday Emmanuel and I were sitting around talking when we thought, man, it would be so nice to have something our kid could look back to when he wanted to know how his lil life began...even tho he is not born yet he's already quite smart and finds it totally exciting to count the times he can viciously kick my stomach and wake me at night.:) sweet lil thing!! On the second of this month we went for my first ultra sound. It's also the day we found out its a boy! When we were looking at the screen seeing his little head and legs, etc, he kicked one of his legs. He probably knew we were watching and was telling us kindly to back off by shooing us off with his lil scrawnie leg. The doctor was like 'heres the head, heres the legs, and..yep ...its definitly a man! Gosh was I happy cuz I think Emmanuel would have fallen over hearing its a girl cuz his heart was really set on having a furry lil thing identical to him. shhh...don't tell him I said that) Well Emmanuel is actually looking over my shoulder every now and then just so he can say he had something to do with our first
Our baby is 5 months (in the stomach) tomorrow. That reminds me of this really goofy thing my lil sister Esty said when I was chatting with her the other day. I was telling her ' really soon our baby is going to be about 5 months' she writes back 'wow, he's already born?' I've really got some goofs to call family...but I love them so much! Here's some pix when we woke up at 6:30 in the morning to go to the hospital for the check up.
note: we were really freezing our hinies off and thats why we have these rather constipated looks on our faces...:D this one is of Rose and me (thanks for waking up so early and taking us Rose!)(hey, and check out that sexy old man in the background:P) Heres Emmanuel staring at the chicken on the metro roof(thats just a wild guess)

and last a pic of my belly (sorry about the quality of the pic...its not actually the quality, its just a setting on the cam which makes it look bad, and Emmanuel took it so...hehehhee)

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