Its quite nice, Chockie and Adrian and I arrived just in time for the Exit. We were also able to see a lot of our friends and Bible class students again which was really fun.
Around 40 or something people came for the Exit from the family. We went witnessing, prayed with lots of people (Even Adrian and I got 3 souls..yippee) performed street plays, sang in the walking street, gave free hugs, played a few soccer games (to bad i don't have pix of that) slept in tents (we stayed at the home) fellowshipped and bonded with dear friends ...and lots more.
The fortress where the festival is heldprayer at the campsite
Igor (our active member) and Claire (camp organizer)
me and lovely
Adrian and twin Aunty
we performed the 'everything' skit...people loved it and Marie was a great actor.. or shall I say actress
check out the people in the bus behind with their noses glued to the window...they stopped the bus because they thought a real fight broke
free hugs
Silvia, etc
Steve, my joyful brother taking part in the action:D
Kathy's sister. They look so alike!
a bagpipe...yay!
the frenchies that stayed at our home for a night or so
my crazy brother and sister...(yes..Martin's suddenly bloomed into a man...his voice scares me!!)
but look at his gorgeous locks!
some females from the camp
as well as some boys...fear not...they don't always look
beautiful people. Esther, Etienne, beauty at the back (sorry, I didn't catch your name) Marie and Ashie
Marie...a wonderful, sweet and crazy girl
Andy, our pet dinosaur
hey look! its fatso again! hehhe
after camp exhaustion
After someone in Ashies (my twin) home saw the pic of our singing group thingy he saught to entertain us and give us a few giggles. I'll share it with you.
(oh and for you that don't know, my first name is Anna....scary aint it?)
CNN Entertainment - Cassiopeia Captures Crowds Completely – composed and collected by Casey Cole Charleston, CNN correspondent.
Brought to you by CNN, communism’s most propagandized network
As thousands flock to see Cassiopeia’s concerts, we can’t help wonder what this sensational music group is all about. We at Communist News Network were wondering what it is that makes this dynamic 5-piece trio+duo so fantastic. After a few compelling surveys from among Cassiopeia’s biggest fans, we have come up with a confirmation: this mind blasting music group might be the answer to Serbia’s bad music crisis.
Cassiopeia fan and musical composer, Aleksandr Diaghilev, said this: “The way Cassiopeia blends 80’s hair, makeup, clothing, sounds and harmonics (with an occasional 80’s- looking sneer from vocalist Liz) makes Cassiopeia the newest, hottest, most lively band of this 21st century. Just listening to their practice jam mad me fell orgasmic,” says Aleksandr, adding, “I haven’t been this elated since the Bolshevik Revolution!”
Even the Cassiopeia’s critics can’t help but like this amazing new, 80’s-souding band. Cassiopeia-hating Toney Horton angrily said, “I hate them, but I love them.”
Emmanuel Marvin, obviously the band leader, has become the nation’s sex symbol. Many stunning and straight Serbian woman as well as many stunning and not-so-straight Serbian men are huge fans of Eman’s beautiful face.
17-yearold Natalia Kandinsky wrote in to say this: “OMG OMG OMG! Emmanuel is so hot. He’s like, OMG, so hot! I can’t wait for their next concert.”
Take a look at Anna Chagall who easily outdid Natalia’s enthusiasm, “OMG OMG OMG OMG! I, like, OMG, like, it’s like, Eman is like, sooooo hot, it’s like, OMG.”
Vladimir Pudovkin, Serbia’ newest poof, came out of the closet to say, “He’s the man of my dreams.”
But Emanuel Marvin is not the only hunk in Cassiopeia to get wet-in-the-pants for. Cassiopeia’s other guitarist/erotic-backup-dancer, Ettienne Chakor-Djaltia, is quiet the lamb chop. Jesus Christ wired in last night to say this, “That guitarist dude, Ettienne – however unpronounceable his name might be – is getting quite the huge hug when he gets up here.” Female vocalist Liz tends to agree with Jesus. “I agree with what Jesus just said,” agrees Female vocalist Liz. “Ettienne is like, OMG, hot and I just like, love our music,” and none of us at CNN could tell if she loved or liked Cassiopeia’s music.
Cassiopeia has come out with some very revolutionary sounding stuff. Their number one hit single right now, “Revolution for Stalin, for Love,” is their number one hit single right now. Other ear-shattering songs of theirs include: “The Amazing Kat,” “Beauty for Ashes,” “Anna from Heaven,” the remake of Vas’s song“Emmanuel,” and “ET-tienne Phone Home.”
STEM, the lover that wants to hold Marianne’s hand is off to a Cassiopeia concert, and there he wants to stay, for the rest of his days.
But let’s not overlook the girls. Already taking first, second, and third place in Serbia’s Loaded Hot 100, (although it’s not surprisingly difficult – the woman that came 4th place only had one eye, due to an unfortunate land-mine incident) the three stunners haven’t escaped the paparazzi for one moment.
Aside from conflicting hair-colors, the pretty girls Christina and Elisabeth look so similar to each other you could swear they were twins. Besides looking alike, they share many of the same tastes and opinions; for example, both girls would hate to be tortured to death.
CNN held an exclusive interview with the bands lead-hotty, Anna, who other then being very attractive seems to sing pretty well as well.
We asked her, “What do you plan to name your first album?”
Anna: “Your Pleasure is our Enjoyment.”
CNN: Nice name. Why would you call it that?
Anna: “Because our pleasure is your enjoyment.”
CNN: Isn’t that the truth, as so many people certainly seem to be enjoying themselves with your latest break into the Serbian top 2 with the excellent new song of yours, “Lookin’ for my Lenin”. Let’s quickly take a look at these powerful lyrics:
Oh I’m lookin for my Lenin
Where could he be?
I hope my Lenin isn’t somewhere thinking
I’m counter-revolutionary
He could send the KGB or
A cosmonaut
But if I end up in a Siberian jail I’ll be
Really distraught
Lookin for my Lenin
(Na na na naaaa na na… na na na naaa na na… na na na Lookin for my Lenin)
Now I’m reading my manifesto
In section A
And I use my hammer and my sickle
Every day
And now it’s execution time and
It’s for the cause
But I totally forgot my manifesto
Had that clause
Lookin for my Lenin
(Na na na naaaa na na… na na na naaa na na… na na na Lookin for my Lenin)
CNN: Great stuff, Anna, great stuff. Oh boy, look at the time; we’ve got to finish up this interview. Do you have any closing words for us, Anna?
Anna: Enjoyment is enjoyed if you pleasure us.
CNN: Thank you very much you young, sexy lady, woof woof! Here’s my phone number, please call me when you are of age. We hope all you readers have enjoyed this special Communist News Network look into Cassiopeia’s music and musicians. Tune into CassiopeiaRadio or feel free to browse and make sure to give a donation to their Radio-Activated charity. Helping those poor woman and children who have suffered the negative effects of nuclear energy is so touching; the smiles on those radiant radiated faces are so powerful!
Thanks for reading.
Next on CNN: Why killing missionaries in Serbia can become a fun and rewarding hobby – and exciting article brought to you by Christian Marx Mann.
hey everyone! I know its been a long time since we've posted and its mainly...(here come the excuses) because we moved from Spain to Serbia, which involved a lot of packing, fund raising...traveling, etc.
So now we are here in Novi Sad with my parents and family. Adrian met his grandparents (and still hopes to see his other set) as well as his aunties and uncles which he simply adores. He talks with them in baby language a lot and seems to be very happy here. Yay!
so here are a few photos with what we've been up to recently.
oh, and we just came back from the Exit...Adrian came too! He loves music. He's also already been to 5 different countries...(most of them being the countries we traveled thru to get are the pix. enjoy!
some of my photography...:Dmy gorgeous brother
our singing group...Etienne, Emmanuel, Ashes, me and Tina
singing in the walking street, Novi Sadthe kids singing group
sticking his tongue out...:P
fast asleep with his newly acquainted grandma...
just waking up in the morning
trying to figure what language his toys are speaking...Adrian and uncle Daniel
his awesome blossom 'throne' buggy..hehe
making important phone calls to his girlfriends
his play corner
Adrian giving mommy a stirring speech about staying in line