We had a wonderful week seeing ancient ruins, eating ardente pasta, dancing til our backs ached, racking our brains for foolish skits and songs for the PMA, getting diplomas, making friends, playing soccer, reading exciting prophecies, soaking in Jesus, getting blisters from walking to much, listening to songs we never heard before (thanks to Ready), raising our arms, listening to lots of audios, getting some sleep, drinking wine ...relaxing and having fun.
I had a lovely time. Everyone also helped out with Adrian as Chockie wasn't there. So sweet!
Adrian has already been to 9 countries! Norway, Spain, Italy, France, Austria, Slovenia, Romania, Serbia and Switzerland!
The Vatican
Adrian with the Vatican in the background Inside St. Peters Church
This massive thing is made of wood. There is also lots of gold on the roof.
It was such an impressive building, So big, SO rich
Inspiration at the PMAReady, helping the guys with the croaking
the girls
The ColosseumThe police came chasing them after this..lol!
Adrian, Andrea, Angelo, Sam and Sam
Andre, trying to be all fatherly...hehe
An olive tree....the first one I ever saw!Some Romans...walking around trying to get you to take photos with them(and they only charge you afterwards..tsk tsk)
the catacombs
Old Roman roads
Doesn't it look like he is taking a photo of himself?lol
More ancient ruins
to our right is the place they used to have chariot races
Le Citta d'Italia
Christophe, Angelo, me and Sara
Awesome place...!
The pride swelled in his lungs...i don't know exactly what for though
me and Maweee
Results of a long day of walking
poor Mary being all squished...Sara don't kill me for putting this pic here, but you look so gorgeous I couldn't resist:D
cute photo no?(no, that's not a duck....just for the record)
PMA class
what da ya know? Three men and a baby! hehe
We went to a club one evening
and used their toilet...
dance night. there were only 2 girls...not that i was bothered....:D:P
the PMA graduationAll the mentors and Andreas
JM practicing his wine principle
Mary, me, Christophe and Sam
the happy bunch
We missed Chockie so much that I was actually really happy to get home and see him again, despite all the fun we had. Adrian was all excited to see his Daddy again that he stuck his tongue out and started spiting. lol.
Thank you Jesus for that wonderful week of fun
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