Delivery story...yay!
I thought to write this out as a couple of you asked and also...its nice to have the story and all the details to look and read back on. goes... :D
I woke up at 2:00 with contractions. It was normal for me, as I had been having contractions since 8 months pregnant. The only difference was they were coming and coming and weren’t slowing down or giving up. Still I thought it would die down so I could go back for more sleep. After an hour, and with each contraction getting stronger and closer together, I decided to wake Chockie up. He was sleeping real deep and looked like he was having a great time in la-la land and I didn’t really feel like waking him but my contractions were so close together I thought there must be something different about them.
So I start shaking him and calling his name. No response, not even a slight movement of his little toe. I call his name again and again (and yes, it still amazes me he can sleep thru just about anything, including Adrian a couple cm away crying at the top of his voice for booby) until he starts moving around a bit trying to get some words together. Finally he’s like, ‘yeah, I’m awake. I heard what you said. You said…volleyball!! That’s went I started losing patience at my sleeping boyfriend.
Chockie!! (This time louder with me getting all irritated.) ‘CHOCKIE!! I’m having the baby! WAKE UP!!! This reached his ears. So my loving guy pulled himself from his sleep and started timing my contractions. They were only about 1-2 minutes apart. (Weird, huh? I’ve read they only get that close at the end.) We finished packing the hospital bag and woke Esty up. I didn’t want to go to the hospital yet as I didn’t want to go all the way to the hospital just to be sent back home. So we loused around in the living room talking about whatever could get to our minds at that time of morning.
At 6:30 we decided to leave. I was getting impatient. Chockie was taking it well and didn’t look very nervous at all…I guess he was glad delivery was finally coming around as I was already 40 weeks and 6 days. We get to the hospital and they send me to the delivery waiting room. I sit there in pain fanning myself and very irritated that Chockie and Esty couldn’t be there. I wait, and wait. Finally a doctor showed up asking for my papers so he could check me, which I left with Chockie. I walk back to the place they told Chockie and Esty to wait to get the papers…and they are gone…! The contractions were getting stronger and stronger and I started looking everywhere for them. I go back to the doctors and tell them I can’t find them and the doctors sweetly tell me I have to keep looking. I was in such pain and I felt all alone. Finally I walked out of the hospital crying and having no clue what to do. I didn’t speak a word of Spanish and the doctors said I could only come back once I found my papers. I was really distressed!
Thank God Chockie suddenly appeared (from a different waiting room) and held me for a few minutes till I stopped tearing all the while trying to figure what the beep was going on.
So that was my introduction to this hospital and its kind doctors.
View from the Hospital window.
Tragedy over, they check me. 1 cm dilated. Yay! What a fine wait we have here! They gave us a nice room with 2 beds (only one were we allowed to use, but they left the room after saying that) that we were supposed to stay in until I was 3 cm dilated.
We wanted to wait up there as long as possible because its comfortable, you can take a shower, be in any position you want, etc, etc, and when you go down to the actual dilation room you have to be hooked up to a bunch of stuff etc.
We watched ‘sex and the city’ pausing every time I had a contraction. Esty would pull out the fan viciously whipping some air into my face and Chockie sacrificially giving his arm so I had something to squeeze/claw. It would have been so funny to watch if I wasn’t in pain especially when Esty hit my nose with the fan. Don’t worry Esty, you guys did great and gave me a good laugh despite the contraction. They sent us surprisingly good food for breakfast and lunch which I was glad about till it came to having to get it all out. (ladies that have had babies, you know what I mean by this!)
Dealing with boredom.
snoozing....Then a doctor showed up, checked me and after realizing I was already 5 cm dilated they sent us down right away. (I know this sounds all nice and fast, but we did wait in that room over 12 hours)There the midwife hooked me up to a hundred and one wiry thingies (well, it was more like three, but it felt like more). She gave me a sedative which made everyone look like they had 2 heads and I don’t know how many feet.
The midwife. I could write a whole story on her. She refused to let Chockie in (even after they devised a plan to try to get them both in by saying he didn’t speak any Spanish and that she spoke lots of very good spanish…) and after a long while let Esty in.
And gosh the moment Esty walked in…(in that sexy see-thru green thingy reaching the floor that you wanted to keep) it felt like an angel had just come down straight from God to bring Kat some relief in her moment of pain. She started fanning me, holding my hand and telling me to breathe deeply and held my legs still to keep me from kicking. (This I only found out the next day) Of course, this just pissed the midwife off. Before Esty came she was just sitting there reading a novel watching me lay there in pain and refusing to let me move position.
Esty really helped me at this point and I have to honestly say I think I would have totally lost it without her there holding my hand (let’s just call it that, as clawing her hand doesn’t sound very …nice). Thank you so much, Esty, for being there with me, all those hours and helping me. You really did! You were able to calm me and you knew just what to do. Thank you so much.
Back to our story. The midwife broke my water bag and the water was greenish so I had to lay completely still because my baby could be in danger. (I don’t understand much about the water colour and all, I just knew he was in danger) So I have to say this was really the worst part. There was a cord inside of me to hear his heartbeat and it had already fallen out once (as I was moving so much) and the midwife said if it happened again she would kick Esty out of the hospital. It was the most painful stage and the last thing I wanted was to be alone with this mean lady with my contractions getting worse and Chockie far away in another room.
I was around 6 cm dilated. From 6 to 8 cm was the most painful I think. I wasn’t screaming, but the pain was …bad. REALLY bad. I decided on epidural and they called the epidural giver. (I have no clue what you call those kind ppl) He was a nice guy. Young and not so hardened and mean like the midwife…AND… he was good-looking.:D:D:D So things were already looking up. (not literally of course) we had to wait an hour before getting it because I had to have another blood test due to the fact that they didn’t take enough blood in the last test, in order to know that the epidural was okay for me and all. So the guy stayed an extra hour in order to give it to me.
Epidural given I waited to see how the next contraction would feel and …well, it felt better, except that all the pain was on one side.
The epidural had numbed half my body, not the other half. Lol. I mean, it wasn’t funny rather extremely annoying, but at least I could concentrate on the side of my body that was numb and tell myself that my whole body felt that way. Anyways at 8 cm dilated, he fixed things up and eventually waist down I was numb on both sides. (not really numb…you can still feel, its just not that painful)
Then. Owch. Finally! I felt his head going down. I couldn’t believe I was finally going to give birth. They stuck me on the delivery chair thingy and told me to push. Now I was in a room full of doctors (7 or 8) many of them students and all of them looking at my wide open legs. This is where the Lord did wonders with the timing. They didn’t want Chockie and Esty in the room at the same time so Esty ran. She ran, grabbed Chockie, he ran, made it to the room, and in one push Adrian Quinn was born.
He didn’t even cry much. His cry was beautiful and I felt so good. I felt so happy as Chockie and I sat there looking at them clean
Right after delivery.
He was born 2 kilos 960 at 4:50 in the morning after 26 hours 40 minutes of labor. PTL! It was just a miracle that Esty knew she had to run and Chockie made it in time. Everything was a miracle! Our lil guy is healthy and so beautiful.
I’m writing this as I watch him sleep right next to me. He breathes so cutely and every once in a while he opens his eyes just to check that I am still around. He already smiles and makes cute noises. He nurses well and has gained a good amount of weight. Our sweet Love did things so perfectly and we are both so happy to have
getting to know daddie
itching his nose
giving suck (now he's addicted)
this was the smallest undershirt we had...
His first clothes (besides hospital garb) getting fancy for home..!!
....and Chockie, thank you for being there for me.
It was a wonderful experience (minus the pain of course...:P)and i'm so glad you were there with me to share that special moment of our baby coming into the world. I love you!
Marie said...
Congratulations, Kat & Eman, Adrian is such a little happy for you guys. Sure you'll make great was nice meeting you guys. Lots of luv
May 13, 2009 at 7:40 PM
Unknown said...
I'm so happy to hear that everything went well. He is sure cute and he has your nose Eman...
Pls keep me updated with pictures etc.
BTW where are you living right now?
Have you seen pics of my newborn too?
Love you
May 18, 2009 at 5:38 AM
My place said...
aww...CONGRATS!! so happy for the both of u i wanted to get in contact b4 but never got around to it...anyway he is ADORABLE!!!
cant wait to meet him..take care and big hug to the both of u!
May 22, 2009 at 12:13 AM
An G said...
Sooo cute...just saw this now. Congratulations. Can't believe you are a dad Eman...heeh
May 22, 2009 at 2:33 PM
Sara said...
Congratulations!!! He's such a cute little guy!
Lots of love!
May 23, 2009 at 2:02 AM