We took care of his birth certificate today and it all went pretty smoothly.ptl.

His name is officially Adrian Quinn Marvin. They couldn't put both our surnames so we decided to give him his daddies surname in case we get married (no...he hasn't proposed yet, as he's pretty intent on having his girl propose to him...ever heard of that before??:P) sometime in the future or end up having more kids (so they can all have the same surname).

All the ladies at the consulate were ooohing and aawing over him and calling him 'que guapo'. I had to change his diaper in the middle of the office on a table because the bathroom didn't have a changing table.lol.

so here are a few more pictures of our adorable lil thing to keep you updated with all the cuteness...:P
enjoying the afternoon sun
snuggling with his paci (however that darn thing is spelt)
yawning. he makes this adorable lil grunt noise after every yawn(i'm trying to get it on video)
mommy time
trying to fit his fist in his mouth (some of these pix are kinda fuzzy as I am not using the flash yet for the sake of his eyes)
busy growing (he's already 51 cm)
conversing with mommy in one of his jolly moods
being squishy and cute (this one is from the hospital) Amelia meeting 'baby sheep' (her affectionate name for my son)


aww he is so handsome

May 22, 2009 at 12:14 AM  

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