getting chubby no?:D
I can siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!
aww mom... you promised me this would be the last one!

pondering the life of a baby
ohh the cuteness
the rapping sailor...hehe
happy bday to me...llalaa
my Bday cake...brownies of course. (Adrian and I had a great time walking around the house half the night after those!) It was delicious Ozie, and as far as the impressed us all. thanks guys...:D
I cant really put a name on this one...its just too cute...his lil 'checking the situation out' look (hey hey hey...I did come up with a name:D)
his concerned face
he woke up after laying on my stomach and his hair was all sweaty and spikey
awwww...doesn't it make you feel like crying
doesn't he look chinky in this one ...?
being adorable

he loves the spotlight
being silly with ma
smiling just like his father

getting sleepy from all the picture taking
studying daddy's face very intently
playing with daddy


he is sooo handsome!!

June 8, 2009 at 2:56 PM  

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