I'm going this Saturday to the PMA(Professional Missionary Academy) graduation(in Italy)!!Yay! I'm real glad and excited that I get to go, as last year I did the course but couldn't attend the graduation!
It's so sweet how the Lord does these things for us and rewards us all in due time. :D
So we are guna be gone for a week ...we is Adrian, Andre, Mitch JM and I.
I hope we also get to see some of the sites in Rome, like the Colosseum. We are also going to stay right next to the beach for a few days....:D
Sniffle...Chockie isn't coming with us as he didn't do the course. It will definitely be the longest time we'll be apart since...since the fundrasing trip in Norway. sniff...it's going to be so weird...waking up and Chockie not being there. going to sleep and not cuddling him or being cuddled by him. Adrian is going to have to learn to be mighty cuddly.:P I know i sound all mushy and clingy, but i guess when you learn to share your life with another you share everything. Then when you are just you ...you feel...strange..naked... weird..etc! that's the best way i can describe it. yes, my describing skills could stand some improvement..lol , but I suppose you know what i mean. i'll miss you incredibly...my wuv!
Jen-Ai said...
Post some pics when you get back!!
You must have met Sara from the home here in Leb right?
Let's hear the tales...:)
October 4, 2009 at 11:48 AM